Create a New Application

3 min. readlast update: 05.13.2024

How to Create a New Application Using BFSConnect

Welcome to BFSConnect, our client service portal. This guide will walk you through the process of creating a new application using BFSConnect.

  1. Accessing the Application Dashboard

    • To begin, click on "Applications" in the top toolbar. This will take you to the application dashboard.
  2. Creating a New Application

    • On the application dashboard, click on "Add New" to start a new application.
    • You can apply for a new product for yourself, another person, or on behalf of an organisation.
  3. Applying on Behalf of an Organisation

    • If applying on behalf of an organisation, search for their details by entering their ABN or name.
    • Make sure to enter the organisation's name in full if searching by name.
    • Click on the magnifying glass to find your organisation.
    • If the organisation does not exist, click "Add Organisation" and enter relevant details.
  4. Completing the Application

    • Select the account type you are applying for and click "Save and Continue."
    • Read and acknowledge the important information about applying with BFS.
    • Use the blue ribbon to navigate between screens or click "Next" within each screen.
    • Click "Save" at any time to save your application.
    • Draft applications can be found within the application dashboard.
  5. Adding Signatories

    • In the signatory tab, select the number of signatories required to operate the account.
    • Ensure all signatory details are correct and complete additional questions.
    • Click "Submit" to proceed.
  6. Adding Beneficial Owners

    • If there are additional beneficial owners not named as signatories, add their details in this section.
  7. BFS Online Access

    • Nominate BFS online representatives if required in the BFS online users tab.
  8. Account Details and Preferences

    • Fill in account details such as the account name and nickname for easy identification.
    • Set preferences for interest payments and transfers.
  9. Client Authorisation

    • Complete the client authorisation, ensuring you agree to the terms.
    • Upload any required supporting documents, such as certified copies of minutes.
  10. Review and Submit

    • Review all entered details and ensure mandatory fields are completed.
    • Click "Submit" to finalise the application.
  11. Confirmation

    • Congratulations! Your application has been submitted.
    • Record the BFS reference number for future reference.
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